Surgery - Anadolu Dental Health Polyclinic


In our polyclinic, we successfully perform all kinds of tooth extraction procedures such as normal tooth extraction, root extraction, complicated tooth extraction, embedded tooth extraction; as well as surgical interventions such as removal of root tip lesions called Apical Resection, cyst and tumor removal operations, Open or Closed Sinus Lifting (Sinus Raising-Sinus Lifting) in necessary situations before implant, Soft and Hard Tissue Grafting operations.


Tooth extraction; is the process of separating the tooth in the alveolar bone from its socket. It can be classified as normal extraction or surgical extraction.

Normal tooth extraction; is the process of removing easily visible and easily accessible teeth from their socket.

Surgical tooth extraction; is a procedure performed by lifting certain part of gingiva and bones to provide vision and to facilitate access to the tooth, in cases where it is difficult to reach or see the tooth.

When is Tooth Extraction Performed?

  • When teeth cannot be treated with applications such as filling, root canal treatment, post, crown-bridge,
  • If it is not possible to apply gingival treatment to the teeth that start to shake as their bone support decreases due to gingival disease
  • When fully embedded or semi-embedded teeth cause various problems in neighboring teeth (especially wisdom teeth)
  • When orthodontic correction of teeth is required to provide a space in the dental arch
  • When milk teeth do not fall out when the time comes,

Bridge or implant application should be considered for the missing teeth.

Apical Resection: If the inflamed part that occurs at the root end of the teeth cannot be removed with a root canal treatment, the alternative treatment method is Apical Resection. With a small and simple surgical intervention, the root tip of the tooth is reached, the inflamed area is cleaned, the infected root tip is cut, and the tooth can be used for a long time without the need for tooth extraction.

Cyst and Tumor Surgeries: Cysts are abnormal pathological formations that can be seen in the form of soft tissue as well as bubbles filled with liquid or gas. Intraoral cysts are usually formed inside the bone, but sometimes they can be seen in soft tissue.

On the other hand, tumors are pathological formations that can be seen in the mouth as well as anywhere in the body and occur in the form of abnormal growth of tissues. As with cysts, tumors can occur in both soft tissue and hard tissue and must be treated.

The part removed after the removal of cysts and tumors should be examined in pathology laboratories.

Sinus Lifting (Sinus Raising): In cases where an implant is considered for posterior regions of the upper jaw but there is not enough bone thickness for the placement of dental implants, Sinus Lifting operation is performed to raise the sinus floor with bone graft application and to prepare the appropriate environment for the dental implant by increasing the bone thickness in the area. The sinus is reached by opening a small window through the mouth, and the area opened after the addition of enough grafts to the sinus floor is closed with stitches, and the procedure is concluded. However, the successful completion of the process requires approximately 3-6 months.

Soft and Hard Tissue Grafting: It is a treatment method in which some biomaterials are used in the treatment of eating disorder, speaking disorder or aesthetically abnormal deformities. Biomaterials used in such treatments can be grafts obtained from another part of the person’s own body (Autogenous Graft), grafts taken from another person (Allograft) and animal derived grafts (Xenograft).

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Anadolu Diş

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